Program overview
The EAM asset management system can be divided into basic data management, authority management, system management, ledger management, asset classification, label management, asset storage management, asset maintenance, asset allocation, asset retirement, asset disposal, asset leasing, asset management function inventory , low-value consumables, statistical reports and other functional modules.

Basic data management
Extract some basic data used by multiple system function modules such as manufacturers, suppliers, departments, warehouses, pictures, service life, quantity, specifications and models, and maintain and manage them uniformly;
Authority management
Including user management, role management, permission settings;
System Management
Including system parameter setting, menu management, organization management, log management, message management;
Ledger management
Asset ledger, including asset name, barcode number, source of purchase, warehouse, department, user, startup time, supplier, asset type, supporting equipment, asset card, tax-inclusive price, tax rate, tax-exclusive price, specifications and models, etc. ;
Asset Class
Mainly classify and manage assets, and assign unique numbers to distinguish them, such as fixed assets, equipment assets, intangible assets, financial assets, biological assets, low-value consumables and other categories;
Label management
Use unified coding to code assets, which is convenient for asset inventory, allocation, maintenance and query. Including barcode, two-dimensional code, RFID code;
Asset Inventory Management
It mainly compiles the information after the assets are stored in the warehouse to ensure the authenticity and verifiability of each asset information. Asset storage information: asset number, name, manufacturer, asset category (supports national standard code category division), specification and model, using department, storage location, custodian, ancillary equipment, invoice number, storage date, status, warranty period, asset source , asset original value, service life, residual value rate, depreciation method, measurement unit, picture information, process number, remark information, etc. The asset information field supports user customization;
Asset maintenance
According to the early warning of the asset shelf life, the asset custodian, the asset manager, and the testing department will be notified of statistics to ensure that the assets that have just passed the shelf life have no problems; the basic information of the entered assets can be edited, modified, copied, and deleted. The custodian can modify and change the asset location;
Asset transfer
Asset transfer records include but are not limited to the following information: transfer order number (process number), transfer date, transfer department, custodian before transfer, storage location before transfer, transfer department, custodian after transfer, warehouse after transfer Location, asset status, etc., must be able to generate asset transfer documents and support printing;
Asset Retirement
After the scrap application is submitted, it will be automatically scrapped according to the approval result, and the assets on the financial management system will be scrapped synchronously. Asset scrap records include but are not limited to the following information (scrap date, scrap person, asset salvage value), process number, scrap reason, whether it has been disposed of);
Asset disposal
After the asset is disposed of, you can see the information about the asset to be disposed (the asset has been scrapped but not disposed of, and the asset has been scrapped and disposed of). After selecting this piece of information, asset disposal operations can be performed to record the total amount of asset disposals. Assets have been scrapped and disposed of, and all information about the entire life cycle of the asset (asset demand, storage, maintenance, inspection, repair, allocation, scrap, and residual value income) can be queried. and all corresponding times);
Asset Leasing
After the asset lease application is approved, the asset system collects data in real time, performs related lease processing according to the approval result, and can generate lease records through lease application operations. Rental records include but are not limited to the following information: process number, rental department, lessor, storage location, remarks. At the same time, it must be able to generate asset lease documents and support printing;
Property audit
Realize the collection of one-dimensional codes and the association with physical assets, and establish inventory tasks. Counting tasks include but are not limited to the following information: Counting order numbers.
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